[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Mental Health Associations (7) ]
Mental Health Facility Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing, incompetence of staff, cleanliness and safety of facilities, treatment of patients, quality of care, excessive fees, unethical, improper or unprofessional conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of inpatient or residential facilities for people who have substantive mental, emotional or social problems.
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are people who have specific social, emotional or other mental health problems. Families and friends may also be welcome. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide an opportunity for participants to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to the problem.
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services
Programs that provide preventive, diagnostic and treatment services in a variety of community and hospital-based settings to help people achieve, maintain and enhance a state of emotional well-being, personal empowerment and the skills to cope with everyday demands without excessive stress or reliance on alcohol or other drugs. Treatment may include emotional support, introspection and problem-solving assistance using a variety of modalities and approaches, and medication, as needed, for individuals who have a substance use disorder involving alcohol and/or other drugs or for people who range from experiencing difficult life transitions or problems in coping with daily living to those with severe, chronic mental illnesses that seriously impact their lives.
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Occupational/Professional Associations
Programs that promote the interests of a specific trade or profession and provide informal educational and professional development opportunities under the auspices of a membership professional or occupational group or association, often through the medium of journals, periodicals, professional conferences, trade shows and expositions and other similar gatherings. Some of these programs may also establish standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members and may accept and investigate complaints from the public concerning the practices of members; may maintain a service which refers the public to member individuals, groups, agencies or businesses; and may act as advocates for their own members, for association goals and/or for the recipients of their services.
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Disability Associations
Organizations whose members are individuals who work in the disability field and have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in education and training conferences, interacting with other professionals and taking advantage of other opportunities for personal and professional development. Many disability associations also include individuals with disabilities and their families in their membership. Disability associations may also advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and their caregivers; promote legislation that funds research and services for this population; and provide information for members and the general public. Included are associations that focus on a specific disability such as autism or brain injuries; and those that address a broad range of disability issues.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.