Dauphine (La)

Record #: QBC0495
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2024
Last Full Update: 05 Mar 2024

Organization Information

Alternate name Maison Dauphine ; Œuvres de la Maison Dauphine (Les)

Description and Services

Description More informations available in the French version

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address & Map
31 rue D'Auteuil
Québec, QC G1R 4B9
View Google Map
Office phone 418-694-9616
Toll free phone 1-877-567-8992
Fax 418-692-4662
E-mail courrier@ladauphine.org
Social Media Facebook Facebook: www.facebook.com/ladauphine.org
Instagram Instagram: www.instagram.com/ladauphineqc
Website ladauphine.org

Additional Information

Accessibility Fully accessible
Languages French ; English
Areas served Capitale-Nationale - Région 03 ; Chaudière-Appalaches - Région 12
Eligibility Ages: 12 year(s) - 35 year(s)
Fees Free
Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4 pm

In partnership with...

Centraide Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches
Ville de Québec
Ville de Lévis
Centre d'action bénévole Bellechasse - Lévis - Lotbinière