Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description Office phone E-mail Website Eligibility
Lauberivière, Hébergement pour hommes1-2- Saint-Roch (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-694-9316 poste 224 Ages: 18 year(s) and up
Partage au masculinSaint-Georges More information in the french version Lévis, Laurier-Station et Saint-Lazare 418-835-9444 
Montmagny et Saint-Jean-Port-Joli 418-248-1212 
Saint-Georges et Lac-Etchemin 418-228-7682 
Sainte-Marie 418-387-1200 
Thetford Mines 418-335-6677 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Hommes en difficulté et en cheminement
Portage, Programme pour toxicomanes souffrant de problèmes de santé mentale (TSTM)Montréal (Ville) Residential drug rehabilitation program for men and women, 18 years old and older, suffering from both mental illness (primarily schizophrenia) and substance abuse, treating the two disorders as well ... Head Office 514-939-0202 
Information and Admissions 514-935-3431 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Men and Women suffering from both mental illness (primarily schizophrenia) and substance abuse
Programme d'encadrement clinique et d'hébergement, Camp de base1-1- Vieux-Québec-Cap-Blanc-Colline parlementaire (Quartier) Housing for adult men in difficulty, living in a situation of homelessness or at risk of wandering * accompaniment and support towards recovery * Short, medium or long term accommodation * Assistance ... Maison Mère-Mallet 418-692-1762 poste 269 
PECH 418-523-2820 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Adult men in difficulty, living in a situation of homelessness or at risk of wandering