[ Browse by Service Category : Employment : Sub-Topics of Employment Preparation (9) ]

Career Development

Programs that help people make appropriate decisions regarding the sequence of occupational roles or work experiences through which they will move during their working lives.

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Job Training Formats

Programs that offer apprenticeships, training through business practice firms, classroom training, internships, on-the-job training, work experience or other formats for training that prepares people for specific types of employment. The training may feature formal instruction in an institutional classroom setting, hands-on experience at a job site under varying arrangements or a combination of the two as the means by which trainees acquire the skills required to perform the job.

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Prejob Guidance

Programs that provide instruction for people who need to acquire the basic "soft skills" and tools that are required to successfully apply for and secure employment, and retain a position once they have been hired. These programs provide information and guidance regarding preparing a resume, writing job application letters, completing job application questionnaires, responding to job ads and taking employment tests; offer tips regarding appropriate dress, personal appearance and interview techniques; and address other similar topics.

[ Sub-Topics | View Programs and Services (6) ]

Prevocational Training

Programs that provide individual and group instruction and/or counselling for individuals with disabilities (including mental health issues) who need to develop physical and emotional tolerance for work demands and pressures; acquire personal-social behaviours that will allow them to get along with employers and co-workers on the job; and develop the basic manual, academic and communications skills that are needed to acquire basic job skills.

[ View Programs and Services (1) | Related Topics ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska
Ville de Québec
MRC la Haute-Yamaska
Centre d'action bénévole de Granby inc.