[ Browse by Service Category : Emergency Shelter : Sub-Topics of Crisis Shelter (12) ]
Crisis Nurseries/Child Care
Programs that provide temporary shelter/residential care for infants and children who are at risk for or who have experienced child abuse or neglect in the home or whose families are experiencing an emergency that makes it untenable for the child to remain in the home. Care is generally provided by licensed family child care homes that are available on a 24-hour basis when needed. Some providers are able to accommodate children to age 12 or 14 and will consider older children on a case-by-case basis, while others limit their services to very young children, generally from birth to age five or six.
Domestic Violence Shelters
Programs that provide temporary emergency shelter for individuals, primarily women, who have experienced domestic violence/abuse, and for their children. Such facilities usually provide in-house individual, group and family counselling and the full range of secondary services related to domestic violence including referral to appropriate resources. Also included are similar facilities for battered men and those that can accommodate both men and women, where they are available.
Safe Houses
Networks of people who are willing to provide short or long-term shelter in private homes, places of worship or other facilities for individuals experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault survivors, undocumented people and others who are fleeing a dangerous or threatening situation and who have no other safe alternatives. These homes or facilities may also provide for the basic subsistence needs of residents including food, clothing and, in some cases, a variety of social services. Also included are organizations that refer people who are in need of this service to the nearest safe house.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.