[ Browse by Service Category : Food : Sub-Topics of Meals (7) ]
Home Delivered Meals
Programs that prepare and regularly deliver meals to older adults, people with disabilities and others who have difficulties shopping and/or preparing food for themselves or travelling to a site where a meal is being served.
Low Cost Meals
Restaurants, cafeterias and other eating establishments operated by hospitals, senior centres or other organizations or functioning independently which provide reduced-cost meals for low-income people, older adults or other targeted individuals.
School Breakfasts
Programs that provides supplementary nutrition in the form of a free or reduced-cost meal at the beginning of the school day for school children. School breakfast programs are usually run by a variety of organizations and are broadly available to children regardless of family circumstances.
Homeless Meals
Programs offered by churches, restaurants and other organizations that provide meals in a central location for people who lack the resources needed to buy and prepare food. The food may be distributed to people who line up for the meal or may be served to people seated in a dining hall setting, and participants rarely need to establish eligibility for the service.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.