Aide aux trans du Québec

Record #: QBC3402
Last Full Update: 19 Aug 2024

Organization Information

Alternate name ATQ

Description and Services

Description More informations available in the French version

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address 2075 Plessis St, Suite 310
Montréal, QC H2L 2Y4
View Google Map
Mailing address QC
Toll free phone Ligne d'intervention 1-855-909-9038 poste 1 
Administration 1-855-909-9038 poste 2
Social Media Facebook Facebook:
Instagram Instagram:
YouTube YouTube:

Contact Information

Primary executive Victoria Legault, Executive Director

Additional Information

Heading Web Entraide et soutien
Accessibility Not accessible
Public transport Subway station Papineau and Beaudry 
STM 125
Languages French ; English ; Spanish
Areas served Québec (Ville)
Fees Free
Hours 9 am-5 pm 
listening and referral line 24 hours

In partnership with...

Centraide Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches
Ville de Québec
Ville de Lévis
Centre d'action bénévole Bellechasse - Lévis - Lotbinière